Cowichan Lake Trail Blazers Society and Mosaic Forest Management Partnering to Provide Recreational Trails

Lake Cowichan, BC – Mosaic Forest Management is providing access to more than 1,000 hectares of private forest land in the Cowichan Lake area for non-motorized recreational use in a new agreement with the Cowichan Lake Trail Blazers Society.

“We are proud to see this partnership begin,” said Trail Blazers’ President Bob Day. “To be able to work with Mosaic to provide first-class biking and hiking opportunities make this an especially exciting opportunity for our club and the Cowichan Lake area. We also appreciate the support of the Ts’uubaa astx people since the trails will showcase the beauty of their unceded territory.”

For the past two years, the Trail Blazers, Community Futures Cowichan and Mosaic have been working together on a master trail plan to construct and maintain non-motorized trails in the Fair Service area just outside Lake Cowichan.

“We gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Province of British Columbia”, said Community Futures Cowichan General Manager Cathy Robertson. “With the support of the BC Rural Dividend Program, this project is meeting industry-recognized standards for safety and infrastructure for the trail network, including developing new trails, improvements to existing trails, trail ratings, standardized signage and mapping to enhance safety along with the recreational user experience.”

“The new trail plan on Mosaic-managed private forest land in the Cowichan Lake area will be a popular addition to the town and surrounding area, said Mosaic’s Director of Sustainability, Molly Hudson. “This partnership will enable investment in a safe trail network and supports a shared vision to the coexistence of the working forest and recreational access opportunities to benefit communities and the economy by creating value for local recreationalists and tourists alike.”

To learn more about Mosaic’s access agreements and recreation opportunities on its managed private forest lands, visit

About Mosaic Forest Management Corp.
Mosaic Forest Management is the timberlands manager for TimberWest and Island Timberlands– two affiliated companies that have operated on Vancouver Island for over a century, delivering sustainable forest management within their private forest lands and Crown tenure areas. Mosaic employs several thousand people directly and indirectly striving to achieve the positive economic, social and sustainability outcomes from the working forest. For more information, visit

About Cowichan Lake Trail Blazers Society
Above the headwaters of the Heritage Cowichan River lies Cowichan Lake and the communities of Lake Cowichan, Youbou, Mesachie, and Honeymoon Bay. The lake has long been known for forestry and outdoor recreation, but more access to our natural assets is key. That’s why the Cowichan Lake Trail Blazers Society is planning to enhance and develop trails for hiking and biking. With the help of provincial funding, a group of local citizens were able to hire consultants in 2017 to help determine what activities might expand the local tourist season. Trails for hiking and biking were suggested, a detailed action plan was presented, and the Cowichan Lake Trail Blazers Society was formed.
To learn more about the Cowichan Lake Trail Blazers visit

Media Inquiries
Mosaic Forest Management
Evelina Lamu
Manager, Communications

Cowichan Lake Trail Blazers Society
Bob Day
President, Cowichan Lake Trail Blazers Society
