is marked by a few more posts in the ground and a recognition for our work. As you know we now have over 20 km of single trail in Fairservice Fun and a whole lot more double track and gravel roads. And a great hiking trail at Christopher Rock. And we have 100 posts ready to go, and a first post in the ground from our test.
Our trail building day on the 29th had a few regulars attend and put three more posts into the ground. Hand delivered with a wheel barrow, hand dug holes, personally put in with love and levelled to perfection. Have a look at the one at the start of Secret Squirrel.
The same day also saw a complete clean up of Chilling Chairs and a few sections in the area. There is so much more to be done, and we need all your help. Maybe we see you all the next upcoming trail building day?
In the evening of the same day, we got awarded the Above and Beyond Award from the Chamber of Commerce
Julia, our always engaged president, took the opportunity to talk more about our efforts and how they benefit everyone in the valley. Maybe we can get some more support rounded up over time! We always need more sponsors, tools, material, trail builders and any other help.
We proudly accept the recognition.
At the same time, I just want to say one thing. You have seen nothing yet. We got big plans .. join us and come along for the ride!